General Admission Tickets are SOLD OUT.
If we find availability we will contact individuals based upon their signup on the waitlist.
If you have JSB Inquiries on ticket issues please contact
January 27, 2024
$135 - General Admission Ticket:
*General Admission Ticket Subject to Availability*
$150 - VIP Pass (very limited availability):Upgrade your General Admission Ticket with these features:
*VIP Pass Subject to Availability*
All Sales Are Final No Refunds; No Rain Checks; Tickets Are Not Transferable
There are no physical tickets. Reservations will be held at check-in under the student’s name. Student IDs or Driver's License/Permits are required. Attendance is open to CURRENT sophomores, juniors and seniors ONLY for the 2023- 2024 school year.
Alcohol is not permitted. Intoxication will be grounds for removal. Breathalyzers will be on site for use by event security as needed. Parents of students found to be in violation of this policy will be contacted to pick up their child. Student agrees to treat all volunteers, guests, and band members with respect. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the premises.
Bags and purses are highly discouraged, as JSB is NOT responsible for lost items. There will be a coat & bag check available.